Monday, April 11, 2011

Social Media & Me

Yeah, I know. Time for flagrant self-promotion. But hey, if you think the stuff I throw up on this blog is cool, imagine the off-beat news stories I find interesting? As most of you probably know, I'm a journalist in real life. I love art and design, but I also love international affairs, human rights and social issues. And menswear. So, if you like any or all of the above, Like me on Facebook and you'll get a carefully curated list of headlines I find important and/or ridiculous that you may/may not find interesting. Your gamble.

Also, I'll take this time to remind you of my Pinboards on Pinterest if you're still curious and want to know my aesthetic.

And that's it! I'm done! Now I'm going to go crawl in a hole so I don't feel completely exposed. And tweet about it.


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