Thursday, June 16, 2011

But Does it Float

I am in LOVE. But Does it Float is a brilliant collaboration between L.A.-based creatives Folkert Gorter, an interaction designer, and Atley Kasky, a freelance graphic designer. The premise of the blog is simple: pair a cool quote with awesome images. Like this:

It’s very, very dangerous to lose contact with living nature.

Words by Albert Hofmann. Photographs of Icelandic volcanoes by Marcel Musil. To see more (how could you resist?), click here. Major friend crushes on Gorter and Kasky right now.


Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Insane stunt driving

When I was little, I took the stunt driving in action movies for granted. It came with the super-human character, right? But then I learned about stuntmen (and women) and learned people got PAID to drive like that and it was NOT in fact Keanu Reeves. Ever since, the world made a little more sense. Also, much to my parents dismay, I wanted to become a stunt driver as well. As it happened, a different insane industry called me (journalism) and I chose that path. For now.

So you can imagine my glee when I ran across this. BMW Canada presents: The 1 Series M Coupe vs. concrete walls. Done by ad agency Cundari and shot by Banditos Brothers.


Sunday, June 12, 2011

Sunday, June 5, 2011

Short stories + typography

If you think updating your followers in 140 characters is difficult, imagine restricting yourself to six words to tell a story! As you may recall, Earnest Hemingway did it: "For sale: baby shoes, never worn." Inspired, designer Anne Ulku and writer Van Horgen created their blog to keep the spirit alive. Some of my favourites below:

Artists have been invited to contribute, so if you have something interesting yet concise to say, give them a shout!


Awesome People Hanging Out Together

Really enjoying my latest tumblr discovery: Awesome People Hanging Out Together.

Salvador Dali and Coco Chanel

EDIT: Thanks Matt/every art blog in the world that seemed to pick up on this tumblr at the same time, for the find.
