Sunday, April 10, 2011

My Modern Story

FINAL UPDATE: Thank you to all my friends and family for your support. Over the weekend I learned that I did not receive the fellowship. While I am disappointed, I ultimately know that things happen for a reason and when one door closes, another opens. I am already planning new and exciting things and know I will get to India and/or work with youth teaching multimedia one day somehow! Love and light, Caroline

UPDATE: I was contacted by the fellowship yesterday! I made final round interviews! So excited! Also, since writing this post, I read the amazing and inspirational back-story to how the fellowship came to be. Read it here.

What a hectic past couple of days! I am applying for a fellowship in India called The Modern Story which would have me teaching multimedia skills to high school students in Andhra Pradesh for six months. Even though the application only asked for written essays, I decided to create a music video to demonstrate my multimedia skills and also show a little of my personality (I'm spinning poi at one point haha!)

I worked very hard with my friend Adam Welton because he had written and produced an amazing music video as his audition to live at the Field Museum for a month. You can (and should) watch it here.

We wrote the song over a course of two days and on Sunday filmed and recorded the song. Then I watched as Adam's brother Joshua produced the song for me at his house in Aurora.

Quick aside: I'm continually amazed by the talented people I know. Even if I don't get this fellowship, the creative process alone of writing, shooting and recording this song has made it a memorable and rewarding experience. That is one talented family. Look out for Joshua Welton--he is going to become famous (more famous than he already is).

So without further ado, here is my modern story:

My Modern Story from Caroline Smith on Vimeo.


1 comment:

test said...

This video is lovely!!! U will get the fellowship!! From China with love, Angela