Wednesday, September 22, 2010


In the past two years, I'd say I've really become interested in photography as well as made an amateur foray into the medium myself. My favorite camera is my Vivitar Ultra Wide and Slim. Here is a link to an excellent review with picture examples. After my first roll was developed, I became hooked on film for life. The colors and the depth were so striking, I felt like I had just discovered what a photograph was and could be. Sadly, these cameras are toy cameras and thus were cheaply made (they have long been discontinued). The only place you can find them now is on eBay, selling for way more than the $2 of plastic from which they are made. I've gone through two already (they break easily), but I'm stubborn. Would you leave your true love or abandon a friend in need? No!! That's how I feel about my Viv.

I'm not often proud of things I create, but I'm so happy about how these particular photos came out and I just wanted to share them. This post is to collect my favorite photographs in one place--hopefully it will always be updated.


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