Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Wold Map of Occupy protests

View Occupy Wall Street protests around the world in a larger map

At work today I pitched creating a map of all the "Occupy Wall Street" conflicts that have been occurring around the world. I've been doing my best to keep up with the current events, but if my research showed me anything, it is that there are a lot more cities and countries participating than I knew! That said, I was equally surprised at some countries who had not participated--like India.

Of course, it's difficult to get accurate numbers of crowds and as such, I'm sure I'm missing quite a few protests, but I sincerely hope my initial attempt at starting this map is to your liking. When I have more time, I plan to go in and update when each Occupy protest began, how many were estimated to have participated, how many have been arrested, injured, etc.

Finally, since many are spread out around the country (and the world!), I'd love to hear if you have participated in any of the U.S. (or international) protests and what your thoughts have been.


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