Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Best of 2010

As usual, the end of the year always spawns a million "Best of" lists, from important current events, to what albums some pretentious asshole thought were the best (btw, you can check my list here!), the person of the year (also, arguably, a pretentious asshole); even the best blogs (I heard only assholes keep blogs).

As much shit as I'm giving these lists, I do appreciate them. They're like news-on-steroids for people like me who are out-of-the-loop but didn't want to admit it (Sarah Palin has a reality TV show? Natalie Portman is pregnant?! Health care passed??!!).

I think my favourite list so far is NPR's collection of songs from musicians who died this year, most of whom I did NOT know because I am 23 years old. Better late that never.

I hope you all have a wonderful new year's eve and may 2011 be your best year yet!


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