
1987 Born in Seoul, South Korea. Hopped on a plane to America. Arrived in Lugoff, South Carolina. Confused.
1995 Beat all the boys in my third grade class at arm wrestling.
1999 Fuck middle school.
2004 Attended Governor's School the summer after my junior year in high school. Met other people who also didn't like George W. Bush or Hummers. Thought I had died and gone to progressive heaven. Did not want to return to high school.
2005 Began my expensive, private education in the Medill School of Journalism at Northwestern University. Impressed yet? Joined the crew team and acquired the nickname C-line.
2007 Studied abroad in Beijing, China. Got paid to go to Chinese indie rock shows. Traveled to Fake Tibet and hiked to a glacier. My first and last time bungee jumping was marred when I was pushed off the platform by a worker. Met two amazing Chinese nationals with whom I still keep in touch. Acquired a tongue ring.
2008 Briefly visited Italy where I met up with above Chinese nationals. Lived and worked in Cape Town, South Africa at the Cape Times newspaper. Wrote a story about the xenophobic attacks which broke out in May. Decided to ultimately dedicate my career to writing about immigration and human rights. Got paid to travel the country and study graffiti. Went out on a boat with shark researchers and watched as Great Whites circled our little boat. Wrote the cover story for National Geographic Kids SA. Met too many amazing people to list here.
2010 Went to Burning Man and my world perspective changed forever.
2011 Moved to Washington, D.C. and am currently working as a Web Editor for