Tuesday, June 4, 2013


I just read an interview of poet Shinji Moon. I loved her answer to what inspires her and identified with the joy and excitement she feels when glimpsing into worlds that aren’t hers. It’s what first attracted me to journalism and why I wanted to become a design researcher and cultural anthropologist.

What things inspire you? 

“Small acts of candid humanity while walking down the street. A girl in all black carrying sunflowers at three in the morning. A man crying into a handkerchief, folding and unfolding a small piece of paper quietly to himself on the 6 train uptown. Sea glass. The slow ease from first introductions to first kiss to the first time you make love to the first time someone makes you cry. The relationship between humans and nature. The littlest things. Smaller and smaller and smaller until you don’t know if they were real or not. Glimpses into worlds that don’t belong to me. Strangers, above all: how beautifully they move when they don’t think they’re being watched.”