Monday, December 19, 2011

Zeitgeist 2011: Year in Review

As 2011 comes to a close, retrospectives in the form of lists, photo galleries and videos are slowly beginning to appear.

Google produced this video by analyzing the billions of queries that were typed into Google over the year to give a glimpse of 2011 as seen through the lenses of Google searches.

It's truly been a champagne year.


Sunday, December 4, 2011


Old camera deconstructed.

I love old cameras and my inner OCD is going nuts. Words can't even express my appreciation.


Thursday, December 1, 2011

Deadmau5 + amazing live projection

Deadmau5 performing live in London for Nokia. *Worth watching at full screen!*

I'm personally not offended he played for a product because what came of it was art. The images and sounds from the live projection were absolutely incredible! I would much rather this exist than not, regardless of WHY it exists.

Also, here's his set list. Draw your own conclusions.

1. Professional Griefers
2. Moar Ghosts N Stuff
3. Bad Selection
