Monday, August 15, 2011


"Gulp" is a charming stop-motion animation video produced by Sumo Science at Aardman Animations and apparently set a world record for the world's largest stop-motion animation set. It was created by Nokia for their N8 smartphones and was actually filmed by the phones fixed high above the beach.

The protagonist is an actual human who had to crawl inch by inch over the beach, while artists scribbled in fishes and waves in the sand to give the animation a lifelike look.

Be sure to watch the amazing "behind-the-scenes" video as well to see how it was made.


1 comment:

Dad said...

Been a while since I have perused the C-line space and I am happy I did. Saw gulp on the cool things-outstanding, but I laughed my head off over Nyan cat. Love that tail action. He is a metaphor for life just boogie along, keep moving and singing that happy song.