Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Should I get a tattoo?

My posts today have been heavy on the infographics! My friend Matt Medved shared this helpful flowchart to reference when/if I decide to get a tattoo. I, unfazed, immediately asked him to get a tattoo with me. I now have three ideas I'd like to see realized.



Mom said...

If the title of this blog post means you're taking votes on whether to get a tattoo, my vote would be "Hell, no!" But I am old. However, you will be old, too, one day, and a tattoo might look a little pathetic on an old woman.

קורטני שרפ|كورتني شرپ said...

your mom is great, and so is the flow chart :)

קורטני שרפ|كورتني شرپ said...

that flow chart is great as is your mother and her comment :)