Monday, August 23, 2010

Cool thing of the day

... And I'm back! After multiple people asking me whether I have a blog and after using my Facebook page as the receptacle for interesting things I find, I've decided to once again try my hand at maintaining a blog. Hopefully it will be more interesting than my middle school angst Xanga days. Hopefully.

Today I started a game with a few friends called 'Cool thing of the day' where I share with them something interesting and they ideally send me something equally as cool in return. No rules, no theme. It can be anything from a picture to a video to an article to a good story. Here's my cool thing for today:

OFFF Paris 2010 Sponsors titles from Julien Vallée on Vimeo.

This video was was made for the OFFF festival in Paris by Canadian filmmaker Julien Vallée. It demonstrates a considerate way of getting a set of sponsors into a promotional piece. If only all adverts could be this creative and witty. May this be the beginning of the end to the tacky notion that sex sells.

On that note, if the wild world of advertising interests you, I highly recommend the documentary "Art & Copy." 


1 comment:

קורטני שרפ|كورتني شرپ said...

i *just* deleted my xanga this summer. I had to not review it before doing it. I thought if I read it again I might hold on to it, or worse yet, contemplate using it again! oh noes! haha

I'm excited for this project of yours. I wish I had a better connection so I could view the videos :-/